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Leveraging OKRs and KPIs in Scrum: A Product vs. Team Perspective


In the dynamic world of Agile development, Scrum has emerged as one of the most popular frameworks for managing projects and delivering value incrementally. Scrum’s iterative and collaborative nature emphasizes teamwork and adaptability. To further enhance its effectiveness, organizations often employ Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to measure success and align their efforts. This article explores how OKRs work on the product level and KPIs function on the team level within a Scrum environment.

OKRs: Driving Product Success

OKRs, a goal-setting framework pioneered by Intel and popularized by Google, are instrumental in aligning product development with an organization’s strategic objectives. OKRs typically comprise two components:

Objectives: These are high-level, qualitative goals that provide direction and purpose. Objectives should be ambitious yet achievable and directly related to an organization’s mission.

Key Results: Key Results are quantitative, measurable outcomes that determine the success of an Objective. They are specific, time-bound, and actionable, helping teams track their progress.

In a Scrum environment, OKRs are often used at the product level, with the Product Owner taking a central role in defining and tracking them. Here’s how OKRs work on the product level in Scrum:

Aligning with Product Vision: OKRs help align the product backlog with the overarching product vision and organizational goals. The Product Owner collaborates with stakeholders to define Objectives that are directly tied to customer needs and business priorities.

Prioritizing Backlog Items: Objectives guide the Product Owner in prioritizing the backlog. Backlog items that contribute to achieving Key Results are given higher priority, ensuring that the team focuses on the most valuable work.

Measuring Progress: Throughout the Sprint, the team tracks progress toward the Key Results. This quantitative feedback helps in making informed decisions, adjusting the backlog, and ensuring that the product stays on course.

Adaptive Planning: If Key Results are not being met as expected, the team can adapt their plan and strategies to stay aligned with the Objective. This flexibility is a core principle of Scrum.

KPIs: Team-Level Performance Metrics

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to evaluate the performance of teams and individuals. They are essential for monitoring and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a Scrum team. Here’s how KPIs work on the team level in a Scrum environment:

Team Health Metrics: KPIs in Scrum often focus on team health, measuring factors like sprint velocity, burndown rate, and sprint success rate. These metrics provide insights into the team’s capacity, commitment, and delivery consistency.

Quality Metrics: KPIs related to code quality, bug resolution time, and test coverage help ensure the product’s reliability and maintainability. High-quality code is a fundamental aspect of Agile development.

Stakeholder Satisfaction: KPIs such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or customer satisfaction surveys assess how well the team is meeting customer expectations. Feedback from stakeholders informs improvements in product development.

Process Improvement: Teams can use KPIs to identify bottlenecks and areas for process improvement within the Scrum framework. For example, cycle time and lead time metrics can reveal opportunities for optimization.

Continuous Learning: KPIs encourage a culture of continuous improvement. Teams review KPI data during Sprint Retrospectives to identify trends, celebrate achievements, and address challenges.


In a Scrum environment, the combination of OKRs and KPIs offers a powerful approach to aligning product development with organizational goals while ensuring team performance and continuous improvement. OKRs, operating on the product level, provide a strategic direction and help prioritize work. KPIs, operating on the team level, enable teams to measure their performance, identify areas for improvement, and adapt their processes to achieve better results. By leveraging both OKRs and KPIs, organizations can strike a balance between product-focused objectives and team-level performance, ultimately leading to more successful and sustainable Agile practices.