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Tips to Step Up Retrospective Game Webinar

The retrospective is one of the five events in scrum. It is an essential part of scrum because it enables the team to practice the three pillars: transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Without the retro, the team may stagnate and may not continually grow […]

How Does SCRUM Work Webinar

On today’s Webinar of The Agile Eagle – Isabel Leung and Howie Sung discuss about if you are a newbie in Agile and would like to know how to start your journey. This webinar is perfectly for you and Scrum is a light weight framework for you to easily get start […]

Tips To Become a Scrum Master Webinar

On today’s Webinar of The Agile Eagle – Isabel Leung and Howie Sung discuss about if you are planning to be a Scrum Master but don’t know how to get it start, or you may be in a transition period but feeling mess. If you are facing, this webinar is prepared for you […]