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TAE: Episode 16 – Agile Manifesto Value 4

Today’s we discuss Agile Manifesto Value #4 – Responding to change over following a plan. All of this and more are discussed in today’s episode with Isabel Leung and Howie Sung […]

TAE: Episode 15 – Agile Manifesto Value 3

Today’s we discuss Agile Manifesto Value #3 – Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. All of this and more are discussed in today’s episode with Isabel Leung and Howie Sung […]

TAE: Episode 14 – Agile Manifesto Value 2

Today’s we discuss Agile Manifesto Value #2 –Working software over comprehensive documentation. All of this and more are discussed in today’s episode with Isabel Leung and Howie Sung […]

TAE: Episode 13 – Agile Manifesto Value 1

Today’s we discuss Agile Manifesto Value #1 – Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. All of this and more are discussed in today’s episode with Isabel Leung and Howie Sung […]

TAE: Episode 12 – Agile Manifesto Principle 12

Today’s we discuss Agile Manifesto Principle 12: At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. All of this and more are discussed in today’s episode with Isabel Leung and Howie Sung […]

TAE: Episode 11 – Agile Manifesto Principle 11

Today’s we discuss Agile Manifesto Principle 11: The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. All of this and more are discussed in today’s episode with Isabel Leung and Howie Sung […]