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The Difference Between Doing Agile and Being Agile

Agile is a popular project management methodology with various frameworks. However, practicing Agile processes doesn’t necessarily mean they are truly Agile organizations. This distinction lies between “doing Agile” and “being Agile.” […]

4 Essential Competencies of Business Agility

Business agility is no longer a luxury but a necessity for organizations aiming to thrive in the modern business world. Companies must swiftly adapt to market shifts and technological advances to stay competitive. Investing in agility is no longer optional; it’s essentially important for success in an ever-changing business environment […]

TAE: Episode 49 – Thriving in the Digital Age with Business Agility

Today’s we discuss about Thriving in the Digital Age with Business Agility. For those who master large-scale software delivery will define the economic landscape of the 21st century.” Isabel Leung discusses about We are now in a world in which every industry is dependent on technology and every organization is a software company […]

AI (Artificial Intelligence) impact on Scrum Master work

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI (Artificial Intelligence) integration, Scrum Masters are positioned to be invaluable assets. Organizations seek leaders adept at harmonizing the efficiency of automation with essential human qualities. Every area of our life is being transformed by AI (Artificial Intelligence), and the agile community is no different. How does artificial intelligence impact on a Scrum Master […]