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The 4 Scrum Events

The Sprint is a container for all other events. Each event in Scrum is a formal opportunity to inspect and adapt Scrum artifacts. These events are specifically designed to enable the transparency required. Failure to operate any events as prescribed results in lost opportunities to inspect and adapt. Events are used in Scrum to create regularity and to minimize the need for meetings not defined in Scrum.

Optimally, all events are held at the same time and place to reduce complexity.

Each Sprint encompasses all 4 Scrum Events which are explained below. 

Sprint Planning

Aim: To set up the team for a successful Sprint

Required: Scrum Master, Product Owner, Developers

Optional: SMEs or others with technical or domain knowledge to advise on PBI complexity

Duration: 8-hour meeting (max) for a 4-week Sprint.

Input: Product Owner needs to have a prioritised and managed Product Backlog

During the event: there are 2 essential parts to Sprint Planning; aligning on what to achieve during the Sprint and how we are going to achieve it. The Product Owner will explain each Product Backlog Item (PBI) which the group collectively estimates. The Developers will then decide which items from the Product Backlog they can complete in the Sprint, which will become the Sprint Backlog. The Scrum Team also decides on a Sprint Goal which explains what this Sprint is about, why they are building this increment. 

Outcomes: A Sprint Goal. A Sprint Backlog. A plan on how it is going to be delivered. 

Daily Scrum

Also called the Daily Stand-Up in generic Agile terminology.

Aim: To quickly inform and align the Scrum Team on what is going on daily and how we are tracking. 

Required: Developers, Scrum Master

Optional: Product Owner

Duration: Maximum 15 minutes. Daily. Typically morning. Same time and same place.

During the Event: The Scrum Master ensures the meeting takes place and time-boxed, but the Developers own the event. Each Developer answers questions such as the following:

  • What I completed yesterday
  • What I am working on today
  • What are my blockers or work I need help with
Sprint Review

Aim: To demonstrate and inspect the working increment and integrate feedback from the stakeholders.

Required: Developers, Scrum Master, Product Owner

Recommended: Project stakeholders (invited by Product Owner)

Duration: 30-60 minutes. Maximum 4 hours for a 4-week Sprint. 

When: At the end of a Sprint 

During the Event: This is an informal meeting where the Developers review and demonstrate what they have achieved during the sprint. They also articulate what went well, what issues they had and how they solved them. The Product Owner explains what Product Backlog Items have been and not been completed and projection on likely future delivery dates based on progress to date. The Scrum Master manages the timebox, ensures the event takes place, and that everyone understands the purpose. The Team reviews if anything has changed in the market that might change the future Sprints and to decide which items to deliver next. The timeline and budget are reviewed. 

Sprint Retrospective

Aim: To inspect how the team performed together during the Sprint and how they could improve.

Required: Developers, Scrum Master, Product Owner

Duration: 1 to 2 hours. Maximum 3 hours for a 4-week Sprint. 

When: At the end of a Sprint after the Sprint Review and before Sprint Planning.

During the Event: To review the last Sprint regarding people, relationships, processes and tools. Identify and order the things that went well and potential improvements on how the Scrum Team works together. Create a plan for implementing those improvements. The team may adapt its definition of ‘Done’.