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Principles of Agile Leadership

Principles of agile leadership essential for an organization to effect true “Agile Business Change”. Organized under the three key competencies of communication, commitment and collaboration, these principles provide a clear and comprehensive guide to the essential requirements for leadership agility.


Principle 1: Being Agile rather than doing Agile

Agile leadership is not only about driving and promoting change, it is also about being the change. This can be started with the 4 values and 12 principles from Agile Manifesto.

Principle 2: Improved quality of thinking leads to improved outcomes

Quality of life comes from quality of thought is always true. One of the main complaints in many organizations is that there isn’t enough time.

Principle 3: Organizations improve through effective feedback

Feedback is a critical ingredient of continuous improvement and no learning would take place in the organization without it.


Principle 4: People require motivation to make work fulfilling

Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose is the key. Give them space to work by stopping micromanagement, give them oxygen space to learn and let them know that what they are doing is value and they are value too.

Principle 5: Emotion is a foundation to enhanced creativity and innovation

Innovation happens best when we reduce our fears and ego defensiveness, thereby freeing our minds to imagine, create, connect and explore the new and unknown with others in a non-competitive way.

Principle 6: Leadership lives everywhere in the organization

Agile leadership needs to live and breathe at all levels of an organization, rather than being something that is found only at the pinnacle.


Principle 7: Leaders devolve appropriate power and authority

Self-managing and empowerment is a philosophy and a set of leadership practices that can deliver real benefits for an organization.
Adaptation becomes more difficult when the people involved are not empowered or self-managing.

Principle 8: Collaborative communities achieve more than individuals

Collaboration is an important aspect of organizational life and is an essential ingredient for enhanced performance, creativity and innovation.

Principle 9: Great ideas can come from anywhere in the organization

People who are close to a problem usually have the best ideas on how to solve it. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

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