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TAE: Episode 6 – Agile Manifesto Principle 6

Today’s we discuss Agile Manifesto Principle 6 – The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. All of this and more are discussed in today’s episode with Isabel Leung […]

The Agile Eagle’s Story

Today’s we describe why and how The Agile Eagle was founded, who we are, and our mission. Isabel Leung and Howie Sung introduce themselves regarding their mission and passion. All of this and more are discussed in today’s episode with Isabel Leung and Howie Sung […]

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a lightweight yet incredibly powerful set of values, principles, and practices. Scrum relies on cross-functional teams to deliver products and services in short cycles, enabling: Fast feedback Continuous improvement Rapid adaptation to change Accelerated delivery The Scrum Flow At its heart, scrum works by breaking large products and services into small pieces that […]