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4 Essential Competencies of Business Agility

Business agility is no longer a luxury but a necessity for organizations aiming to thrive in the modern business world. Companies must swiftly adapt to market shifts and technological advances to stay competitive. Investing in agility is no longer optional; it’s essentially important for success in an ever-changing business environment.

Here are four core competencies at the heart of business agility

1. People-First Leadership: This involves guiding organizations through transformation, focusing on Agile principles and practices. In an Agile business context, leaders empower teams, foster a collaborative environment, and ensure that decision-making is decentralized. Traditional leadership is replaced by shared leadership, where managers are coaches and facilitators.

2. Engaged Culture: The culture of an Agile organization is characterized by flexibility, openness to change, and a learning mindset. It values experimentation, accepts failures as learning opportunities, and encourages constant feedback and communication across all levels of the organization.

3. Flexible Operations: This includes adopting Agile methodologies, like Scrum, in operational processes. Agile operations are iterative, incremental, and focusing on delivering value to customers quickly and efficiently. They rely on cross-functional teams and emphasize continuous improvement.

4. Value-based Delivery: An Agile organization prioritizes delivering value to customers. This involves understanding customer needs deeply and responding to them through rapid and flexible product or service development. It’s about delivering what the customer values, not just following a plan.

Isabel Leung and Howie Sung are the co-founders of The Agile Eagle, the premiere Scrum, and Agile training and coaching organization.

Join Isabel and Howie in a Professional training course: https://theagileeagle.com/category/professional-training.

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